The incubation stage is about achieving deep renewal with courage.

Motivation Process

The incubation stage is designed to undo the damage of past programming and develop the original spontaneity of a child. This spontaneity is not a blind, disorderly urge but a directed enthusiasm. The incubation stage transitions skepticism to enthusiasm, embarking you on an exploration of motivation and change.

In our first chapter, we discussed theories and sciences. Now it’s time to implement these concepts into a practical system.

In the creative process, the incubation stage is crucial. The duration can vary from a day to a year. During this stage, you transition from apathy and boredom to motivation, then to passion, creativity, and innovation. Passion fuels your motivation, transforming it in the boiling waters of challenges. We will guide you with tools to achieve this transformation.

The Physical Path: Apathy —> Motivation —> Passion —> Creativity —> Innovation —> Entrepreneurship

The Mind Path: Finding Nobility and Virtue in Task Concentration —> Imagination (Visualization) + Learning —> Goal-oriented Hard Work and Creativity —> Unification (Connection)

The greatest pleasures come from exercising skills in novel ways and experiencing the bliss of freedom. The incubation stage aims to achieve such pleasures, where participants feel a sense of discovery, spontaneity, creativity, challenge, exploration, problem-solving, concentration, and connection. This stage teaches you to focus, develop new observation and attention skills, and become more creative and innovative. The ultimate goal is to experience the joy of creativity.

The first stage of motivation is incubation. Here, you venture into new waters, dispel old myths with new tools, and hopefully return transformed and motivated.

As discussed in the first chapter, most sciences address only one aspect of the problem: apathy, motivation, creativity, or innovation. No one has yet put all the pieces together to treat the problem as a whole. The purpose of this chapter is to integrate and analyze this process comprehensively.

The incubation stage is a bold, encompassing theory that helps you overcome apathy and lack of interest. It is a healing spiritual environment that stimulates full human potential for motivation, empowerment, optimism, physical and emotional health, and real happiness. Through this stage, you will achieve success, expand your personal empowerment, and build a solid foundation for happiness and healthy spirituality.

In the incubation stage, you will rediscover your child-like imagination, finding joy in the process of observation and exploration. Observing like a child and asking child-like (not childish) questions is crucial for this process. The goal is to feel inspired and curious, like a child.

During the incubation stage, you will remember the child in you who loves to challenge themselves just for the joy of it. There is no reward or punishment for learning or doing what you love; you are simply engaged in the process. There is no boss or higher authority. You will learn that the child in you is intrinsically motivated to learn. This stage involves doing activities for their inherent reward, just like children do. Children are curious and learn intrinsically. The incubation stage teaches you to be motivated again, being completely involved in an activity rather than just achieving a goal.

Einstein asked fundamental questions that transformed our understanding of the universe. Howard Gardner, in his book Creating Minds, explores the connection between the questions a gifted child asks and the training and thinking required for adults to answer such questions. Gardner also examines Picasso and the relationship between youthful prodigiousness and mature mastery. Gardner suggests that if children are allowed to explore their world freely, they accumulate a “capital of creativity” they can draw on later in life. Conversely, if children are restrained, pushed in one direction, or burdened with the notion that only one correct answer exists, their chances of exploring on their own are significantly reduced.

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